Preparing for your NDIS plan review is essential! Here are some great tips on how you can prepare to put your best foot forward at review time.

Most participants have their NDIS plan reviewed every 12 - 24 months. The meeting can be conducted in person or over the phone, whichever you prefer.
The aim of a plan review is to check how your supports are going and how you're progressing with your goals. Your plan will change according to your changing needs so it's important to communicate exactly what those needs are and to have supporting documentation to back you up.
During your planning meeting, you will discuss what you would like to continue doing and what you may want to do in the future. These will be your goals. The goals you share will help the NDIS to build a personalised plan for you.
Here are 5 handy tips to help you prepare for your next plan review meeting. If you have a CoLab Support Coordinator, rest assured we will be with you every step of the way!
Tip #1 Keep track of your plan end date
Don't let that end date creep up on you! You will need plenty of time (at least a month) to gather progress reports from your providers - your Support Coordinator will help you with this. Also don't forget to leave some funding in your support budget to pay your providers for preparing the reports.
You should be contacted by the NDIS to set up an appointment for your review meeting about one month before the meeting. You need to let your Support Coordinator know as soon as you have set a meeting date and time. If you haven't been contacted let your Support Coordinator know at least 2 weeks before the plan end date.
Tip #2 Review your goals
You will have set some goals that you want to achieve with your NDIS supports, now is the time to think about how you're going with those goals, if they are still applicable or if you'd like to set new goals. Remember that the funding you're allocated will be based on helping you to achieve the goals you set. Goals can be short-term (e.g., I want to learn how to use public transport by myself) or long-term (e.g., in a few years, I want to move out of home).
Tip #3 Consider your supports
Think about your current support people and providers. Are you happy with the support you are receiving? Are there additional supports you feel would help to improve your daily living? Talk to your therapeutic providers about additional supports they would recommend for you and ask them to include their recommendation/s in your progress report.
Tip #4 Consider how your NDIS funding is managed
If you have been thinking about changing the way your funding is managed, review time is the time to make the change. There are three ways to manage your NDIS funding: self-managed, plan-managed and NDIA-managed. You can also use a combination of options.
If you're unsure, talk to your Support Coordinator about your options and how each option might work for you, you can also explore your options on the NDIS website.
Tip #5 Read and complete the NDIS planning booklet
The NDIS has published Booklet 2 - Planning to help participants understand and prepare for planning or review meetings. We recommend you read through this booklet and fill out the various questions, your Support Coordinator can help you to do this. You can then take the booklet to your review to help or prompt you to answer the questions that might be asked in the meeting.
Bonus Tip: Don't stress!
Your Support Coordinator is here to support you. We will help you to gather the necessary documentation, support you through the process and answer any questions you might have about the review.